ICDCS '97 Call for Papers
Call for Papers
17th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems
(ICDCS '97)
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Stouffer Hotel
May 27 - 30, 1997

The purpose of this conference is to bring together developers
and researchers from universities, industry and government to
advance the science and technology in distributed computing.
The technical areas of the conference include:
Papers in these areas are sought. Of particular interest
are papers on novel applications, such as digital libraries,
multi-media information servers, and virtual-reality systems,
that are made possible by ultra high-performance and high-capacity
networks and distributed systems. In addition to research
papers, case-study reports detailing experiments and evaluations
of, and open problems in, the specification, design, development
and validation of advanced distributed computing and communication
systems are also sought.

Information for Authors
To submit papers, please send six copies of double-spaced
manuscripts, 5,000 words or less in length, to Satish Tripathi
by October 7, 1996. The submission letter should indicate
which technical area is most relevant to your paper. Authors
will be notified of acceptance by February 1, 1997. Final,
camera-ready manuscripts will be due by March 15, 1997.
Outstanding papers will be eligible for publication in IEEE
Computer Society/IEEE journals.
- Submit papers to:
- Satish Tripathi
- Department of Computer Science
- A.V. Williams Building
- University of Maryland
- College Park, MD 20742
- Tel: 301-405-2772
- FAX: 301-405-6707
- Email:
- Email:
Proposals for one-day tutorials in technical areas of the
conference are solicited. Tutorial proposals should be
submitted by October 7, 1996.
- Submit tutorial proposals to:
Robbert VanRenesse
- 4118 Upson Hall
- Department of Computer Science
- Cornell University
- Ithaca, N.Y. 14850
- Tel: 607-255-1021
- Email:
More Information
- For More Information, please contact:
- Jack Stankovic
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Massachusetts
- Amherst, Massachusetts 01003
- Tel: 413 545-0720; Fax: 413 545-1249
- Email:
- or see the
Conference home page

General Chair
Program Chair
Tutorial Chair
Awards Chair
Margo Seltzer, Harvard University
Publicity Chairs
Giorgio Buttazzo, Scuola Superiore S. Anna, Pisa, Italy
Walt Kohler, DEC
Kenji Toda, ETL, Japan
International Liaison Co-Chairs
Makoto Takizawa, Tokyo Denki University, Japan
Mike Papazoglou, Tilburg University, Netherlands
Local Arrangement Chair
Yair Amir, John Hopkins University
TC on Distributed Processing Chair
Joseph E. Urban, Arizona State University
Steering Committee Chair
Ming T. (Mike) Liu, Ohio State University
Technical Vice Chairs
Distributed Systems Architecture
Anand Tripathi, NSF and University of Minnesota
Distributed Operating Systems
Willy Zwanepoel, Rice University
Distributed Databases and Information Systems
Mike Franklin, University of Maryland
Communication Protocols
Mobile Computing
Distributed Multimedia
Harry Vin, University of Texas
Distributed Real-Time Systems
Andy Wellings, University of York, UK
Distributed Algorithms
Jennifer Welch, Texas A and M
Languages, Tools and Software Engineering
Gail Kaiser, Columbia University
Distributed Resource Management/Scheduling
Larry Dowdy, Vanderbilt University
Fault Tolerance, Availability and Security
Kang Shin, University of Michigan
Performance of Distributed Systems
John Zahorjan, University of Washington
New Applications
Sam Chanson, Hong Kong University of S&T

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