
Most entries in this dictionary begin with a lowercase letter. A few of these have an italicized label often capitalized, which indicates that the word is as likely to be capitalized as not, that it is as acceptable with an uppercase initial as it is with one in lowercase. Some entries begin with an uppercase letter, which indicates that the word is usually capitalized. The absence of an initial capital or of an often capitalized label indicates that the word is not ordinarily capitalized:

Main Entry: lunk.head
Function: noun

Main Entry: gar.gan.tuan
Function: adjective, often capitalized

Main Entry: Mo.hawk
Function: noun

The capitalization of entries that are open or hyphenated compounds is similarly indicated by the form of the entry or by an italicized label:

Main Entry: obstacle course
Function: noun

Main Entry:
Function: adjective
Usage: often capitalized N

Main Entry: off-off-Broadway
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized both Os

Main Entry: un-Amer.i.can
Function: adjective

Main Entry: Dutch oven
Function: noun

Main Entry: Old Glory
Function: noun

A word that is capitalized in some senses and lowercase in others shows variations from the form of the main entry by the use of italicized labels at the appropriate senses:

Main Entry: re.nais.sance
Function: noun
1 capitalized . . . 2 often capitalized . . .

Main Entry:
Function: noun
2 often not capitalized . . .

Main Entry: Trin.i.ty
Function: noun
2 not capitalized . . .


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