/exp/rcf/share/X11R5/bin/xbiff++Sound will be supported on SunOS and Solaris platforms where the optional SOUND demo has been installed and compiled (/usr/demo/SOUND).
What is xbiff++:
The xbiff++ program displays a little image of a mailbox.
When there is no new mail, the flag on the mailbox is down.
When mail arrives, the flag goes up and the mailbox beeps
(or optionally plays a sound on machines running the
AudioFile server, HP workstations running the Audio server,
or Sun SPARCstations with /dev/audio). It is also possible
to have a different image displayed depending on who the
mail is from (a picture of their face, for example.) New
mail is defined as messages without a "Status:" line in the
message header. By default, pressing the left mouse button
in the image forces xbiff++ to remember the current size of
the mail file as being the ``empty'' size and to lower the
flag. Pressing the right button causes xbiff++ to review all
new mail (and play any sounds which are appropriate).